SynSilicoSM - Tomorrow's AI applications. Today.



Our science and technology

Accelerate your research with AI-driven automated workflows validated by the scientific
community for their predictive performance.

Harness cutting-edge AI models for predictive accuracy and efficiency.

We use data science and programming to create automated workflows, integrating the latest AI models rigorously validated by the scientific community for their predictive performance.


Run high-volume in silico experiments securely with our cost-effective server and supercomputer capabilities.

Our own server and supercomputer provides cost-effective computational power, running over 500.000 in silico docking experiments per month with top-tier data security.


Validate predictions with expert-driven chemical, biological insights, and wet lab experiments.

Our chemical and biological expertise, coupled with the option for wet lab experiments, enables thorough validation of our in silico predictions, ensuring reliable and accurate results.



Accelerate Drug Discovery,
Enzyme Solutions, and Polymer Performance.

Accelerate your research with AI-driven automated workflows validated by the scientific community for their
predictive performance.


Accelerate your drug discovery process with cutting-edge AI solutions that streamline research and development.

Chemicals & Materials

Predict polymer performance and speed up developments with advanced AI models tailored to your needs.


Fast-track enzyme discovery with AI-driven tools that optimize and enhance your innovation capabilities.

Flavor & Fragrance

Discover new taste modulators, flavors, and fragrance compounds with AI-powered predictive solutions.